How PickMe used Google Cloud Platform to Reduce Management Overheads and Build a More Reliable Infrastructure

PickMe is a Sri Lankan brand that provides mobility solutions through an app.

How PickMe used Google Cloud Platform to Reduce Management Overheads and Build a More Reliable Infrastructure
  • Difficulty with scaling - Friday evening traffic surges
  • Unable to choose the instance sizes of choice
  • Increase in lead time needed for procuring new servers
  • Sporadic downtimes
  • Difficulty to iterate faster
  • Prior to migration, Searce ran a thorough assessment of then existing on-prem infra and came up with the following services inventory to enable these services to talk to each other
  • Consolidated servers and services to arrive at a multi-tiered, highly available and, scalable architecture on Google Cloud
  • Deployed a large fleet of self managed MySQL servers with a complex replication topology of multiple masters and slaves behind proxysql along with the managed CloudSQL databases for postgres and MySQL
  • Migrated to GKE to pave a path toward further modernisation of Infra
Business Impact
  • Latency reduced by 10x with more reliable infrastructure
  • Reduced infra spend a better DR setup
  • Reduced management overhead


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