Numadic helps large manufacturers and transporters optimize their logistics operations through logistics monitoring and coordination software.

How Numadic Used Google Maps to Leverage Real-Time Traffic Data to Avoid Bottlenecks and Reduce Wait Time


  • Create a location-based solution that delivers rich maps and reliable navigation to customers
  • Mitigate risks by lowering insurance cost
  • Reduce wasted and congestion during transit and at warehouses

Key Deal Levers

  • Helped them to leverage real-time traffic data to avoid bottlenecks at warehouses and reduce wait time by 20% to 40%
  • Optimized API calls to smoothen the variations in GPS reading for accurate visualization of a vehicle’s location

Searce Solution and Business Impact

  • Reduced toll cost by 1% to 4% due to the ability to plan efficient delivery routes
  • Monitores the movement of $560M of freight along the supply chain every month with little human intervention
  • Easily scales to track more than 100,000 loads per customer account
  • Cuts cargo delivery, loading, and unloading time by 40%


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