Convo is a platform for work conversations that helps large teams come together. With an easy newsfeed format, users can chat, upload files, highlight and comment to have fast, focused and secure discussions.

How Convo Reduced its Costs and Created a Better User Experience by Leveraging G Suite


  • Multiple DB Providers: Previous setup utilized Oracle and AWS for databases and wanted to consolidate.
  • Missing A Key Integration: Convo’s communication platform did not sync seamlessly with the G Suite platform, a common request from customers

Key Deal Levers

  • Searce’s Global Delivery team and capacity to discuss detailed migration items early and often.
  • Excellent support & financial incentives from Google FSR.
  • G Suite integration with Convo’s product.

Searce Solution and Business Impact

During the planning phase Searce designed a solution that:

  • Consolidated Cloud Resources: By refactoring queries from multiple databases, Searce enabled Convo to run their entire Cloud Infrastructure on GCP and take advantage of bulk discounts.
  • ~10% Cost Reduction: Reduced the need for Oracle licensing and enabled all of Google’s cost-savings programs. Searce maximized scaling policies to ensure that compute and storage resources scale only with usage.
  • Seamlessly Transition: By following best practices for naming conventions, networking, and resource location - Searce is enabling Convo to move their platform with no downtime and identical functionality. They will be able to move future client workloads with the same conventions and easily expand the infrastructure


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