How Theta increased scalability with reduced operational overheads using Google Cloud Platform (SliverTV) is a decentralized video streaming platform powered by blockchain and distributed ledger technology. Theta’s protocol enables users to earn rewards by relaying video on a peer-to-peer basis, utilizing excess bandwidth on any device.

How Theta increased scalability with reduced operational overheads using Google Cloud Platform


  • Limited Scaling: One-to-one mapping of streamers to Virtual Machines limited their scaling.

  • Inefficient infrastructure consumption: Their existing setup used to create a new server for every stream that is generated adding cost even without 100% utilization.

  • Ingestion latency: Ingesting streams into regional infrastructure increases latency.

Key Deal Levers

  • 45 day deal cycle: Strong tech POC delivered ahead of schedule

  • Excellent support from Google FSR & CE: An ideal google-partner joint execution

  • Marketplace integration

Searce Solution and Business Impact

During pilot, Searce built custom auto-scaler which helped in:

  • Increasing scalability with reduced operational overhead: By leveraging autoscaling, Theta’s infrastructure is more elastic now and they will be able to meet the current and future demands of onboarding more streamers without any additional operational overhead.

  • 50% cost reduction: Ingestor auto scaling allows the platform to scale out and scale down the Ingestor servers based on the # of streamers.

  • Double-digit (ms) streaming latency: By having the Ingestor auto scaling setup in multiple GCP regions, streamers can stream using the nearest Ingestor. This improves the streaming performance and end user experience.


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